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Checkout our Why Join SAE page and be sure to complete the online inquiry form to get in contact with our rush chairs by clicking the button below.
Welcome to Oklahoma Mu!Oklahoma Mu is the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Chapter at Oklahoma State University.
The mission of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is to promote the highest standards of friendship, scholarship, and service for our members based upon the ideals set forth by our Founders and as specifically enunciated in “The True Gentleman.” Visit our mission statement here. Oklahoma Mu has a tradition of upholding the standard of being "The True Gentlemen" at Oklahoma State. Some of our local alumni include T. Boone Pickens, Sherman E. Smith, Bob Austin, and Rick Cooper who have continued the values that SAE withholds in its members by giving back to their fraternity, community, and college. We welcome you to our website, if you have any questions please fill free to email us at [email protected] or if you are ever in the neighborhood come visit the men of 1308 W. 3rd Ave. Recruitment Managers: Head Recruitment Manager / Texas & Out of State: Jackson Koppenheffer - [email protected] 214-347-3530 Southwest Oklahoma: Brayden Ledoux - [email protected] 405-795-9100 Northeast Oklahoma: Dmitri Apostolides - [email protected] 918-606-9776